Green Strawberry Banana
Smoothie Recipe

You’ll love this healthy green strawberry banana smoothie recipe if you’re looking for a healthy breakfast that you can make FAST!

It’s so simple, yet so satisfying, delivering all kinds of incredible health benefits to your body first thing in the morning.

If I can make it while living out of a hotel, I’m sure you can find a way to make it in the comfort of your own home.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie Ingredients

This healthy banana smoothie contains banana, strawberry, spinach, water and ice. That’s it! So easy :)

Banana Strawberry Smoothie Recipe

1 banana

A few strawberries, remove stems

Big handful of spinach

About ¼-½ cup of water

A few ice cubes – to desired texture

What's So Good About These Smoothie Ingredients?

This list of smoothie ingredients might sound simple, but put them all together and you have one of the most powerful combinations of smoothie ingredients imaginable.

These smoothie ingredients are especially ideal when you are short on time, and looking to make an extremely healthy snack you can take on the go, in as little time as possible.

Here's a breakdown of these wonderful banana smoothie recipe ingredients:

Banana - My favorite powerfood, especially when I’m on the go. It’s a quick, healthy source of energy plus dozens of vitamins and minerals. I almost always add at least 1 banana to my smoothies. Learn more about banana nutrition .

Strawberries - Rich in antioxidants and also very delicious, one of my favorite fruits in terms of taste alone. It’s also pretty easy to add to your smoothies when you need to make something FAST – all you have to do is pull of the stems and toss them in. Learn more about strawberry nutrition.

Spinach - Not essential to make a good smoothie, but for me this is very important. The nutrition benefits of greens can’t be beat. It’s like an instant detox, cleansing your body, and providing a boost of natural energy. Learn more about spinach nutrition.

Green Strawberry Banana Smoothie Instructions

You can use a normal blender, or a mini blender like I did for this banana smoothie recipe.

Either way, you can easily pour it into a cup or mug and take it to go.

This smoothie is fast! Peel the banana, break it into small chunks (roughly 1-inch each), and toss them in the smoothie.

Then remove the strawberry stems. Don’t worry if they’re not 100% removed, it’ll blend up. Make sure you wash the strawberries first.

Next add about a half cup of water. I was using a very small blender, so at this point I had to start blending and turn it into a liquid, just to create space to add the other ingredients.

If you’re using a normal size blender, add another banana and even more strawberries! The more the merrier :)

The next step is to add some spinach, blend it up a bit, and then finally add the ice.

If you have a bigger blender or more powerful blender, you can add all the ingredients at the same time. I had to do it this way because my travel blender was tiny!

Blend the entire smoothie creation until it is smooth and no longer has chunks of any fruit, spinach or ice.

That’s it! You’re ready to drink it casually at home, or take it to go if you’re on the run.

Why I Love This Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe

I like to start my morning with a healthy smoothie. Similar to how most people feel about coffee, I feel like a zombie until I’ve had my morning smoothie.

I first made this banana smoothie recipe while living out of a hotel for 2 weeks for business travel (new job training).

During the first week, I ate out every single meal because I didn’t have my act together, and by week 2 I could already feel my health was suffering.

So I requested a refrigerator in my room. Then I walked to the grocery store, bought myself 3 bunches of bananas, 2 cartons of strawberries, and a bag of spinach.

healthy smoothie ingredients to make strawberry banana smoothie recipe

Believe it or not, this was enough to make some powerful healthy smoothies.

I used my mini Hamilton Beach Single-Serve Blender, which I bought from Target for just $15, and easily fit inside my suitcase.

10 minutes after I woke up, I was already sipping on a delicious healthy breakfast smoothie.

Unlike my normal morning zombie state, I actually felt full of energy as I moved through my morning routine and headed to work.

The work day wasn't bad either. The smoothie changed my entire day, making me feel fresh, healthy, full of whole foods and unprocessed nutrients, and less likely to gorge at lunchtime or snack at my desk.

Benefits of Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

Are you looking to increase your energy? How would you like to eat healthy and lose weight naturally, without spending hours laboring away in the kitchen?

Whether you choose to use spinach in your banana smoothie recipe or not, a smoothie is one of the healthiest things you can drink in the morning.

Just getting in that much fruit is definitely better than the alternative, not eating breakfast or maybe grabbing one piece of fruit max as you run out the door.

But if you can, I highly encourage you to add some greens to your smoothies, such as spinach.

By making it a green smoothie, you start off the day getting more vegetables than most people get in an entire day, or maybe even an entire week!

It might sound gross, but just try it. The trick is, when you combine spinach with naturally sweet fruits like banana and strawberry, spinach just blends right in. You barely even notice it’s there!

Easy smoothie recipes like this make it possible to get all those health benefits when you’re short on time. And most people are these days.

Still think you don’t have time for this? It takes 10 minutes, seriously.

Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier, or hit snooze one less time, and commit to getting a healthy start to your day.

We all have setbacks, we can all make excuses. It’s about what you do to overcome those setbacks and excuses that really matters.

Starting your day with a smoothie like this is probably one of the best habits you can build for your health, overall wellbeing and happiness.

That’s right, when your body feels more in harmony because you are feeding it the nutrients it needs and craves, it’s easy to feel generally better about life, and happier!

The JOY of smoothies, in a nutshell :)

What about you?

What are your best tips for ensuring a healthy breakfast, or healthy eating on the go?

What did you think of this green strawberry banana smoothie recipe?

Share your experience, tips and reviews in the Comments Box below!

Related Pages

Like the classic combo of strawberries and banana in smoothie form? Here's another banana strawberry smoothie recipe

Curious about this whole green smoothie idea? Learn more about green smoothies.

Why do I use water in this smoothie? Find out here at the smoothie ingredients page.

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